Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rollip In The Deep.

So basically, Rollip is an online software to add some effects on your photos.. FYI, it comes with 40 effects! No doubt, I'm so in love with those amazing effects lol :D

Here goes my current FB PP. I look so serious when I'm sleeping HAHAHA.

Another effect from Rollip. I should have trimmed my eyebrows, tsk tsk.. And this is why me looks like Crayon Shin Chan in this piccie LMAO

I curled my hair temporarily. Mom bought the hair curler since months ago. Aww I would love to learn more about curling the hair! :)

Lastly, just wanna show you people the super original smile of mine! Glad to tell the happy girl is back. Yeah I'm so obsessed with the assignments now.. Nyways, nights to all! Good luck to all SPM & STPM candidates aye!

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