Monday, December 27, 2010

You don't have to believe me, but the way I- way I see it;

Mid-term break is just awful.
I stay at home when I'm not hanging out with friends.
Crap. Lol.
I'm kinda pro in editing my camwhore piccies now.
I'm seriously pretty proud of myself *cough*

Piccie credited to Ean!
Me myself love this piccie really a lot.
Taken on 24th of December at Uniqlo.
Had a nice day with her and Shir!
Spot their big bows and my baby unicorn!
(Shir asked me to praise her over here btw. HELL NO HAHA!)

Sorry for hiding up my face.
I miss they all so freaken much!
We went to Mid Valley on 25th of December.
Didn't went for shopping but CHIT-CHATTING! (:
We chatted loads of topic I suppose.
Love the moments spending with sisters.
Muah! Much loved!

Currently I'm listening to one of her songs.
Tian Fu Zhen is totally perfect for me.
I love her voice, gee.

对心事说谎 把你想到多么的不堪

I was on the phone with my jimui.
She said you're nothing wrong to be there.
Tsk tsk tsk.
I've been thinking too much.
Guess I is super duper krazy this time.
Blah. That's the way I am.
Do not blame me <3

Goodnight world.
The 141cm Reesely Kawei is about to sleep!
I miss you guys lotssssssss :(
Will be headin' the the college on this coming Wednesday.
Toodles! X


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Playing God;

Can't make my own decisions or make any with precision
Well, maybe you should tie me up so I don't go where you don't want me
You say that I've been changing, that I'm not just simply aging
Yeah, how could that be logical?
Just keep on cramming ideas down my throat


You don't have to believe me
But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger... I'll point you to the mirror

If God's the game that you're playing
Well, we must get more acquainted
Because it has to be so lonely... to be the only one who's holy
It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in
You don't deserve a point of view, if the only thing you see is you


You don't have to believe me
But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger... I'll point you to the mirror

This is the last second chance
(I'll point you to the mirror)
I'm half as good as it gets
(I'll point you to the mirror)
I'm on both sides of the fence
(I'll point you to the mirror)
Without a hint of regret... I'll hold you to it

I know you don't believe me
But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger... I'll point you to the mirror

I know you won't believe me
But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger... I'll point you to the mirror


Saturday, December 25, 2010

My 25th of Dec;

圣诞节快乐丫 孩子们
我刚回到家 眼睛就快闭上
但还是很想在这里 写写此刻的心情

有点复杂 有点无奈 再加点开朗
什么东东啊 噗

可能啊 事情没有我们想的那么糟 *问号*
雪爸的轮胎爆胎 可能是让下一秒走过那路上的宝宝 没踩上那铁钉
苏 可能是上天给她的一个考验 要让她 知道什么之类的啦 我不知道
还有啊 可能刚刚的臭八婆 已经被人捉到 现在已经被lokap
然后没人保释她 让她睡一辈子 吃过期的肯德基 再天天被人罚扫地 *奸笑*

抱歉 我无法体会你们的心情 X(
但是你们要开心啊 不然我哭给你们看 呜 XD

去跟好姐妹们见面 :)
好想好想她们 雪就算啦 才见面没多久 嘻 X)

圣诞老人丫 如果你现在听见的话
我今天十二点许的愿望 我不要了
你帮他们解决烦恼啦 哈
我自己的就顺其自然咯 雨后彩虹现 XP

对了 今天我玩的很开心 =)
今晚大家都玩疯了 认不认识都玩成一堆
好久没那么放任了 呵呵
可能很难得 才找到机会来参与这种场合
我们怎么都那么可爱啊 哈哈哈哈 XD
爱死你们两个傻婆啦 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 XD
好想赶快看照片啊 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 XD

最后 在这里要对一个人说不好意思
下次鼻子好了 要参我们玩啊 慢慢喷死你 哈哈哈 XD

还有谢谢雪爸载我们到KL 还要载我们回家 X(
我会好好为雪 物色一个一九零厘米高的男朋友 别操心 *笑*

各位孩子晚安 要梦见我
不要不读我写的废话啊 我哭给你看 呜 XP

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Keep moving;

今天本来很不开心的 因为知道是自己做错事
我没有很气她骂我 只是在气自己干嘛那么懒散 做事情总是不积极
结果笨到 从早上到下午都不吃东西 在回家的路上才肯买糕点吃
回到家吃到开心 (妈今天煮大餐 大日子呀 汤圆的七夕 也是一年一次 XP)
然后 我 我 我就胃痛咯

妈: “呐 你看 现在痛的是谁?”

我是那种一回到家 就开始跟家人报告什么什么跟什么的小孩
(在他们眼里 我的确是一个死小孩 可是我很噢颗喔 XD)
今天中屌的事情 我也随口带过
对啊 痛的只有我自己 笨死我了 =(
下次要乖乖叫饭吃 就算怎样不开心的话
让家人朋友担心 真抱歉 小妹会改进的 下次点烤面包 X(

谢谢我的宝贝莲儿 *笑*
一觉睡醒就对着电脑发呆 都不知道要跟谁聊
我会加油的 把事情做好
我们的保龄球之约啊 =D

对啦 就是苏你啦 X)
前两天我因为某些事情不开心 累你特地上网陪我聊天
我怎么越来越任性了 抱歉啊傻婆 X(

雪也是 还有麻烦你之后打回给我 听我说有的没的
呜 我以后不会再嚷些怪话了 TT
也谢谢茗 爱死你们了啦 要做一辈子的姐妹啊
我也很愿意听你们的废言废语 来 亲一个 XD

往后的日子 我不会想那么多啦
尽自己的能力做到最好 莲儿告诉我的 X)

对了对了 还要谢谢今天在班上安慰我的朋友
我现在没事了 我也爱你们哈哈哈哈哈 XD

各位晚安 冬至快乐 圣诞节快乐 还有新年快乐
我要看烟花 还有下雪 谁来陪我呢 我请你吃糖果 哦呵呵 =D

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Who cares if it's wrong;

Hello, I fall for a weirdo. FML.

Nights world, rofl :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mid-term break? FU;

I desperately wanna go to somewhere else right now. I don't care what the place is that, sob! Planned to hit Cathay Damansara in the afternoon but I failed to do so. Mom didn't go to The Curve for her facial. Eek. I don't mother fking care if I'm going for photo shooting alone tomorrow, LOL!

Aight. Off for one day tomorrow. I'm bored of twitter and FB. Take care everybadae! Muah! :D

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Not a mistake;

第一次听到这首歌 也是不经意听到的
可能听了太多吵吵嚷嚷的歌 是时候让耳朵歇一歇吧
好听好听 :)

九点半了 下午一点得上课
下个星期我就放假啦 哈哈哈哈哈

在这十个有点短暂的星期里 跟同班同学都相处得很开心 (个人觉得啦 嘻)
好奇怪以前我干嘛会比现在安静 内疚了 哈
更奇怪的是 我竟然完全不想翘课
我可是出了名的ponteng大王 *羞*

也好啦 我也好喜欢这间学校
希望接下来的日子 我不会为大家添麻烦 排写排写 :P

好啦 这篇我就不放在面子书
等一下给大家看到我那么感性的一面 我会脸红的 哈哈哈哈哈哈

小妹做功课去了 大家加油!
:D X

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Aight spending so much on fb bloggin' and msn.
Time to pay more attention on my ass.
Take care babehs :) X

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ooh na na, what's my name;

It's a saturday afternoon.
Now I'm doing nothin' but sittin' infront of my lappy.
Sien diao lo.
Nothin' to blog about yet I'm still bloggin' here, fml!

Oh yeah babeh, Santa Claus is cumin' to the town! :P
Sister will be goin' to S'pore to celebrate Christmas with her boyfie.

She's April Greiman.
My presentation was just 'bout her.
Darn, my presentation was totally SUCK.
Teehee, but a big thank you to Shinyee the cutie!
You cheered me up wey! GAYAO WAH! :)

Shyt, I wonder why am I so happy everyday. LMAO.
There must be something with me but HYE, WHO CARES LARH WTF? :D

P.S. 现在我的IQ真的已达负五百,LKW去撞墙吧 -.-

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's crystal clear now;

张小娴曾经说过 这么一番话
后悔不一定是不好的事 至少你可以从中学习 吸取教训

一直到处跟人说 我本人 LKW 做任何事情 打死都不会后悔
放屁 屁 屁 什么屁话
我现在真的很后悔 万分后悔 后悔死了
像Alvin说的 哭都没有眼泪

现在才知道自己有多笨 万分笨 笨死了
恭喜我 谢谢 TT

不过我比某人幸运 至少我已经苏醒过来
才不会再继续骗自己 苯够了啦 眼睛已经开大大
再上当 我IQ就直达负五百 BLEE XP

发完牢骚了 是时候去完成我的功课
你也醒过来吧 最重要的人 其实一直就在你身边啊 :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And we cried;

真的很没心情 去开口说话

姐接了电话 神情紧张 把事情告诉了我
我鼻子一酸 大家都哭了

过去的事情 我根本没能去理会
我现在只是好想 好想 把肥老爸给抱紧 X)

如果你斗胆不回来 我真的不会原谅你 一辈子啊
然后煮了你的臭鹦鹉 给Kalei和老龟吃 剩下的骨头就丢给路边小狗
知道我的可怕了吧 我是你女儿耶
遗传到你 :')

有咪在你身边照顾着你 我们也放心多了

赶快回来啊 加油 老豆
爱你 =)

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Do you know that?
"Our mood does affect others."
I'm keeping a smile every single day.
I used to affect people around me.

They couldn't be happy once seeing my stupid emo face.
Yet I never realised 'bout it. Silly pig.

Sue and Ming came to me one day.
They told me how they felt inside.

You will never see me smile if they never talked to me on that day.
I appreciate and heart'em so so much!

Best friends will give you a hand to pull you out when you're in trouble.
They gon' stand by you no matter who you are.
They love you as much as you love'em, no?

IDK if you're now sitting infront of the lappy and reading this fcuking shit blog.
(But you used to tell me you never read it FINE LARH LOL XD)

Sorry to tell IDK what more can I blog now.

Lol. Whatever larh diu.
Dai ga mm hou emo lar har.
Meng tin wui gang hou!
Learnt it from the TVB dramas. Wtf.

Eek. Dah sampai masa utk buat ass.
Take care people!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I lost my pendrive;

I never realised until I've got a fb message from Jun aka wtfboy.
Za lan dou! Ngo zan hai hou dai tao ha lorh!
Yet it's with him now. Phewww, luckily! :DD
Treat him some sweets once I bought some, TEEHEE A BIG THANK YOU TO WTF BOY!

Life is so unexpectable.
I'm not gonna talk about what did she tell me this evening.
Everyone deserves nothing but the best, no? :)

Goodnight world.
I need a mother fcuking break! YAY! :D

P.S. The piccie of the day! Life's good when I'm havin' fun with friends! I LOVE Y'ALL LARH :P