Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Heiyo *winks*;

It's freakin' hard for me to get rid of it.
So.. people, I am back :P

Nothing more to say now since I planned to go to bed asap.
I just feel like tellin' you guys how lucky I was today!
They helping me out in doing the AI assignment.
My blank was totally blank but in the end I made it just because of'em!
Aww. Fcuking love y'all larhhhh! MUAH! :D

I argued with bro after we've done our dinner.
I screamed at him.
He got really mad, too.
But guess what!?
End up we both crying together and apologized to each other. LMAO!
Sorry larh didi. I will try my best to become a very good erjie. Sayang sayang :(

Love my family and friends.
Not only today, I'm fcuking lucky like every singe second just because of'em!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cross my heart;

I promise I won't be updating the FB status and also this blog anymore until the day I've got the feelings like AIYA IT'S TIME TO UPDATE MY BUDDS FML huh so take care people I gon' miss you guys so please miss me MUAH! (: X

Just my luck;

My mood was super duper okie before yesterday.
As I posted yesterday, something spoilt my mood bad.
Today lagi cham.

I was on the phone with Shir.
She told me about the SH text.
I was like WTF and FML MAX.
Get a really BIG shocked.

I should have known.

Friday, November 19, 2010



早上六点才睡觉 七点半就起床 上课去
在班上 我的样子好像就快去 荷兰
但我心情就是很好 很好啊
怎知在离开班之前 发生了一点 小事
搞到我真的 很西北不爽啊啊 啊
本来还可以接受 怎知越想越生气
干嘛要撕我的纸啊 顶

小气病 似乎又回来了

我在另一堂课 一直在那里生闷气
仪一直笑着 安慰我
雪也很无奈 说是这样的了
结果到最后 自己好像真的气消了
只是在班 忙着打瞌睡 XP

在休息时间 在班外巧遇俊
在大伙儿闲聊当时 他半开玩笑的 指着我说这句话
我觉得是蛮正确的 哈哈
我不想给她看死 总有一天我一定会证明给她看
女生的功课也可以做到很好的 切 >:O

Thursday, November 18, 2010


就快凌晨两点了 功课还剩下一本半
幸亏刚刚有小睡了一下 要不你会见到我明天见人就打 XD
最近我总是会莫名的开心起来 大家都以为我傻了 哈
心情好 就笑咯 很正常的 嘻
可是前几天 我有一刻真的要哭出来了
但我还是忍着 毕竟独自在那里乱想些 有的没的 有够苯的
所以大家不要伊莫啦蝦 加油 :D


昨晚啊 要特意多谢一个衰女包 XP
我是第一个知道关于她大喜事的人 开心喂 哈哈
当她在MSN告诉我时 我完全失去控制就一直在那里恭喜她
喂 要幸福啊
不要假假死啊 我知道你一定在读着我的部落格的 哈哈哈
很替你感到开心 真的真的 我衷心祝福呀 傻婆 XD


完了 最近我好像有点幸运过了头
太多的巧合 已经到了令人无法置信的地步了
是时候 停止了
不该再奢望 要有自知之明啊 LKW
我很珍惜现在的一切 一切
不过也谢谢你啦 我会试着努力醒过来的 哈 =)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Poladroid is love;

That's my bao bei, Sue!

Camwhore, hehe.

Creepy smile.

Awwwww, he looks awfully cute!

Good girl gone bad!

My another darl, Shir!

Cuppy cakey!

Got this from Google. PEACE.

A small gift for my sweetheart, Yuki! Happy 17th, sapoh!

FYI I've got this app from this website; Poladroid project.
Hou lan yeng lorh x)
Specially thanks to a girl from my college.
We don't know each other well but I just get to know this awesome app from her fb webpage.
Hehe, thank you once again! ;)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nothin' left to fear;

(Stupid reason, duh)
Yet we're gonna have the so-called midterm exam on this thursday.
Ape Pengajian Malaysia larh. Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I do hate history. Seriously, fuck it :(


I drove on the road without bringing my IC and driving license in this afternoon.
I didn't mean to do something silly like this. Gangsta gansta wtf?
I've just forgotten to bring it out, je -.-
Was rushing to send my sister for her keyboard class HEHE sorry mata no next time ;D


Feel like blogging something that I wanna speak now.
But darn, I can't do it.
Maybe I can? I just don't dare aight. SIGH.
Perhaps someday you will find out the truth.
That's not a good idea eh :(

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Emo or edo;

I was lanjiao emo last night.
Cryin' infront of the lappy and started to blog something silly.
Thanks to my friends who cheered me up.
I erased all from the blog entry.

For those who are emo now, mm hou emo arh :)
It's not easy to do stuff like "forgive and forget".
Eww, I hate this part candidly.
That's what we called life, eh?

It's 2.27AM right now.
Time to sleep, huh.
And yeah, I'm totally EDO now.
Applause, please! :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

What a day;

Yay yay yay.
Finally we've done the debate of history class.
Things weren't going that well but who cares?
It's all over man!
Btw thanks to Ah Han, his answers laughed die Shir and I! LMAO!


IDK why am I so addicted to Cody Simpson's songs!
Now I just can't stop playin' iYiYi :(

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The next JB;

Accidentally watched a music video on channel 705.
It was iYiYi from Cody Simspon featurin' Flo Rida.
You know what. I'm so gonna to call him Cody Bieber, LOL.
Plus, he's now only 13 YEARS OLD! FML MAX!
Nyways he looks kind of cute.
Guess I'll be addicted to his songs, HEHE.

Sho lai lai han now.
But it's time for me to do my assignment now, je.
Chaos! Love you all HEHEE :DD

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I only got one life, one life;

*Thanks to La La Ngan aka Mr B's wifey for this piccie :D*

Hello peeps!
Just got back home from college. Mad tired, zz.
Life is always like that.
Hopefully I can go thru it. Ain't that hard, I suppose.


Btw, I'm goin' to get my new purse soon! *YAYS YAYS YAYS*
Needa wait 'bout 3 days to get it.
Awww, I needa be patient! :P


Currently listening to Taylor Swift's new song, Mean.
Taylor swift sings of what a girl wants to say.
Got this from one of my friends.
Hell yeah, this is fcukin' true!
(Thanks to Nee for tellin' me 'bout her latest album.
See, now I'm addicted to her songs WTF LMAO :P)


Aight , it's 6.51PM now yet seriously I needa take a nap.
Nights people ♥

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cloudy day;

现在我就身在 巴生的外婆家
天气不怎么样 感觉就快要下雨了


对不起各位 小妹不会再犯了 *苦笑*


其实 我很难过
她看起来很伤心 我只能听她说说话
感觉上自己好像 帮不上什么忙 好没用 *内疚*


其实那晚 你劝我的那句话
回家过后 我想了好久 好久
无可否认 我是他妈的赞同你的话啦 呵呵
还是顺其自然好了 嗯


昨晚我打给 那傻婆听起来心情不错
嘻 得空喝茶
终于十八岁了 但也不要再高下去啊 不然我不要理你了啦 TT


大家要想念我丫 爱死你们
(虽然我严重怀疑到底有没有人 读我的部落格 哈哈哈)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Last night;

在晚餐过后 我去了苏的家一趟
跟那傻婆聊了好多 好多 她看起来开心多了
嘻 要幸福一辈子啊 靓妹
我要做花童 *笑*

姐的男朋友回到新加坡不久 又搭今早十一点的班机 到欧洲当兵去
他们在一起已经超过一年了 还是那么的甜蜜 *羡慕*

还有另一个靓妹啊 谈恋爱到忘了啊 我们的提拉米苏之约啊
下一次我自己去吃吧 *哭* XD

想了想 其实是不是要自己瘦下来 才有机会谈恋爱
我可以说 不要吗 呜 存钱去日本找鸭男算了 :(

Do listen to your parents;


;) x

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's a damn cold night;

I used to respect you that much.
I trusted in every single word you said.
I told my friends that I was so proud of you.
I hated those dumbasses who always talk bad behind your back.
And you used to be the most important person in my life.

So what about now? FML MAX.